Fifty Dangerous Things

Fifty Dangerous Things

(you should let your children do)

Fifty Dangerous Things

By: Gever Tulley

The perfect kids activity book for every parent looking for ways to help their children learn about the incredible world around us.

In a time when children are too often coddled, 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do) reminds readers that climbing trees is good for the soul, and that a pocket knife is not a weapon. Full of exciting ways children can explore the world around them, this book explains how to “Play with Fire” and “Taste Electricity” while learning about safety.

Changing the way America thinks about, educates and raises its kids

Groundbreaking books by Let Grow’s thought leaders and others are changing the way America thinks about, educates and raises its kids. They all make the case that today’s kids are safer, smarter and stronger than the culture gives them credit for — and that more independence is crucial, not crazy.