Looking for an Expert?

We are experts in childhood independence and are available for interviews, podcasts, and more. Our parenting and educational experts can speak on a wide range of topics, including independence in kids, helicopter parenting, and anxiety in young adults.

Our media appearances include: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bored Panda, Real Time with Bill Maher, The New York Post, The Washington Post, WebMD, PBS News Hour and many more.

Take a look at Let Grow in the news below.

Let Grow in the News:

The Impact of Free-Range Parenting on Children's Mental Health in China

CBC: Winnipeg school community hopes the key to kids' independence and confidence is child's play

KSL Radio: Lawmaker Introduces New Resolution Encouraging Childhood Independence

Business Insider: I Was a Helicopter Mom Till I Moved to Spain

Deseret News: The biggest challenges parents faced in 2024 — and how to navigate them in the new year

A movement is sprouting in the US to free children from worried parents

CNN's Abby Phillip Talks with Let Grow's Lenore Skenazy about Georgia Mom's Arrest

Anxious Kids and Phones, Free Play, and Freedom: WGBH "Cambridge Forum"

Georgia Mom's Arrest Renews Debate about Parenting Norms

Bubble wrapping Kids, Even in Hardscrabble North Georgia: Atlanta Journal Consitution

Social Media Firestorm over Free-Range Kids

Mom Arrested after Son, 10, Walks to Town

Skenazy Talks to KMOX About Trusting Kids with Some Independence

It Should Not be a Crime to Lose Track of Your Kids: Atlanta Journal Constitution

Stossel: A Mom's Guide to Raising Independent Kids

The Halloween Myths that Won't Die: ABC Radio

Let Go to Let Grow: Nicki Reisberg's Scrolling to Death Podcast

Spain's Education Magazine: Anti-Anxiety Resources from Let Grow

Catholic Church Tackles Parental Stress: Catholic News Agency

Most Common Parenting Mistake, with Dr. Ken Berry

Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard Let Their Kids Wander A Theme Park Alone — And We Should All Be Taking Notes: HuffPo

Emily Oster at Free Press: Are We Over-Parenting Our Kids?

Fear of CPS is A Major Reason Parents Don't Let Kids Out: Peter Gray

A Conversation with Parenting Pioneer Lenore Skenazy: EdSource

Kristin Bell & Dax Shepard Try Free-Range Parenting

Kids Phone Obsessed? Here's How to Reduce Screen Time

Kirstie Allsopp is Right About Safetyism: Unherd

NY Post: Cell Phones are Making PARENTS Anxious

Bret Weinstein Darkhorse Podcast: More Than One Way to Skin a Knee, with Lenore Skenazy

Analog Advisor Podcast: Raising Resilient Kids

NYTimes: Schools' Out: Time for a Social Media Reset (and more Independence!)

The 74 Interviews Peter Gray: "Play Is Essential for Children"

Ask Dr. Jessica Podcast: How Can I Let Grow?

KSL Newsradio: Too Much Help Sets up Kids up to Fail

New America: Can Changing the Way We Parent Rebuild Our Sense of Community?

CNN: How to be a Good Enough Parent

Jeopardy: Lenore Skenazy started what movement?

The Urban Activist: Growing Up in The City: What It Was and What It Can Be Again

Harvard EdCast: Peter Gray Says Independent Play Key to Countering Children’s Declining Mental Health

Michigan NPR: State Senate committee hears bills to protect child independence

Reason: Michigan bills would help parents give kids reasonable independence

Hidden Brain Podcast: Parents, Keep Out!

Keep Phones Away and Give Kids Independence:

How to Give Kids Autonomy? "Anxious Generation" Authors says Let Grow License Helps

Let Grow's Jon Haidt on CBS This Morning

Town and Country: The Rise of the Parenting Gurus

New Hampshire Lawmakers Discuss Protections for "Free-Range Parenting"

A Solution to the Student Mental Health Crisis: Independence

The Let Grow Movement and Restoring Children's Independence

Ezra Alexander Discusses let Grow Play Club: Indonesia Expat news

Teacher Tom Interviews Lenore about The Let Grow Experience, Anxiety, and Free Play

“The real problem is that our culture insists that adults should always be supervising kids.”

The Guardian: Meet Generation Stay-At-Home and Watch-Your-Phone

Emotional Badass Podcast: How to Raise Confident Kids

CBC TV talks to Lenore About Canada's Endorsement of Risky Ply

"We've Been Fed a Lie that Our Kids are in Constant Danger" -- Let Grow on Healthy Parenting Podcast

Munk Dialog with Lenore Skenazy

Childhood Independence is a Mental Health Issue: New York Magazine

National Association of Independent Schools Magazine: The Importance of Play for Raising Independent Kids

Edutopia's Top 10 Education Research Studies of 2023: #7 is Peter Gray's Article on Importance of Free Play & Independence

Atlanta Journal Constitution: All Work and No Play Makes Jack an Anxious Kid

National Geographic: Why Adults Need to Make the Time for Playtime

Anna and Raven Radio: Let Grow Explains Why It's Good to Let Go

Deseret News: How to end the scourge of helicopter parenting for good

Las Vegas Review Journal FRONT PAGE: ‘We are out to change childhood’ Nonprofit offers free programs promoting independence, free play

Radio New Zealand: Was 'America's worst mom' actually right all along?

Yahoo News: What Happens When Kids Don't Learn Independence

After Babel: Good News For Anxious Kids (And Parents)

John McWhorter in New York Times: The Trap of the Overprotected Childhood

Yahoo News: Researchers find a little childhood independence can reduce kids’ anxiety

NPR: The Decline of Independence and Play and the Decline of Children's Mental Health

NYT: Peter Gray on Why Adults Must Stop Micromanaging Halloween

Boston Globe Oped by Skenazy: Phones in Schools Are Making Kids Less Safe

NewsNation Interviews Lenore on how Phones in Schools Make Kids Even Less Independent

Washington Post: Peter Gray on Why Kids Need Independence and Free Play

Tyler Cowen's Marginal Revolution Recommendation: Peter Gray Journal of Pediatrics piece

Free Press: Michigan Kids Deserve Independence. Joint oped by a Democrat and a Republican

Psychology Today: I Want My Son to Take Risks, Not Stress Over Grades

From Tiger to Free-Range Parents: What the Research Says About Popular Parenting Styles

Fox News: Loss of Independence Is Causing Kids Anxiety

Estadao (Brazil): Do You Control All Your Children's Activities? Maybe It's Time to Rethink!

Is It Really Dangerous to Post First Day of School Pictures Online? One Expert Says No

How to Help Your Kids Fight Anxiety: Armstrong and Getty

NY Times Opinions Page: This Simple Fix Could Help Anxious Kids

"3 Books" Podcast with Neil Pasricha Interviews Lenore Skenazy

The Happy Hour Podcast on How to Stop Helicoptering

Le Monde: Guilt and Exhaustion Boost Parenting Market

Le Monde: How Did We End Up with Indoor Children?

WGN: Teaching Your Kids to Do More on Their Own

News Nation: More States Embracing Laws That Let Kids be Kids

Ed-Prize Awarded to Let Grow

State Policy Network is pleased to announce Canary Academy, Let Grow, and Red Bridge Education are the winners of the 2023 Ed-Prize. Ed-Prize inspires and accelerates new solutions through grant-making so that education outcomes are improved across the country. Since...

Washington Post: Parents Using AirTags to Track Kids

Haidt & Gray: Play Deprivation is a Major Cause of Teen Depression

Deseret News: Is the end of helicopter parenting finally here?

Connecticut Lauds New Childhood Independence Law

Newsweek: Scientists Say Play is Critical to Health and Well-Being

Stamford Advocate: New Law a Victory for Kids' Independence

The Atlantic: The Gravitational Pull of Supervising Kids All the Time

News 12 Connecticut: New Law Means More Freedom -- and Less Supervision -- for Kids

The Decline of American Playtime & How to Resurrect it: Vox

Park Slope Parents Webinar: Give Your Kids a Summer of Independence

Deseret News: How Segregating by Age Hurts Everyone

The Imprint: American Neglect Laws Jeopardize Healthy Child Development

Become a Sustainable Human: Lenore on the Co-Movement Gym Podcast

The NY Times' Ezra Klein interviews Jean Twenge About Teens in Crisis -- and Let Grow

"I Took Let Grow's Pledge of Independence" -- Mary Wakefield in The Spectator

What Can Homeschoolers Learn From Free-Range Parenting? HSLDA Podcast with Lenore Skenazy

Wellness Mama: Reasons to Let Grow, With Lenore Skenazy

CNN's Michael Smerconish Interviews Skenazy on How Independence Increases Children's Mental Health

WNYC Brian Lehrer Show: "The Kids are NOT All Right. Is It The Lack of Freedom?" Peter Gray Says Yes

Parents: Kids CAN be left alone for a few minutes -- NY Post

Michael Smerconish: Don't Be a Helicopter Parent

Sarasota parent starting area Play Club

Research Shows Kids Need Play for Their Mental Health: The Well News

We Made a Mistake Giving Our Kids "Too Much" -- Intellectual Take-Out

Bored Panda: The Let Grow Project Helps Kids K-12 Get Competent and Confident

Virginia State Senators Say: "Letting Kids Play Outside Is Not Neglect"

The Let Grow Play Club is Everything Schools Are Hoping For: The 74 Million

Teaneck Today: Teaneck Passes Local "Let Grow" Ordinance!

Romper: Should You Fitness-Track Your Kids? Let Grow Weighs In

Daily Beast: "I'm Afraid the Neighbors Will Call the Police if I Let My Kids Walk Alone to the Park"

KQED: "Young adults are struggling with their mental health. Is more childhood independence the answer?"

Peter Gray in Bored Panda: "Kids need free time to develop curiosity, courage."

"Free to Be You and Me. Or Not" NYT's Pamela Paul on Disappearance of "Free-Range" Childhood

CBS Sunday Morning: When CPS Screws Up. Opens w/ Story Let Grow's Diane Redleaf Broke

FoxNews Shows Off "Let Grow Kid Card" (At End of Strange, Meandering Segment)

"CBS Mornings" Show Recommends Free-Range Kids: "Best book for raising independent kids"

"When your child becomes independent, you do, too!" Let Grow on Bored Panda

Bill Maher & Colo. Gov. Jared Polis: Hooray for the Reasonable Childhood Independence Law!

WSJ: Jean-Jacques Rousseau Was an Early Free-Range Parent

Deseret News: Free-Range Is Not Feral

Fox News: Kids Thrive With Less Constant Supervision

Front Page News in S.C.'s Biggest Paper: "Serious Fun: School Club Lets Kids Just Play, Academic Boost is a Bonus"

Filling The Storehouse Podcast: Growing Independent Kids

Nurturing Independence So Kids Can Flourish: Let Grow on "Compassion Parenting" Podcast

Our Play Club Is Letting Kids Live Life to the Fullest

Arthur Brooks' Art of Happiness Podcast #25: Why Kids Need Failure (and Fear)

South Carolina's First "Play Club" Brings Exciting Results

The Rod Arquette Show: Skenazy Discusses 'Stranger Things' Column

Honey I'm Homeschooling the Kids Podcast: The Benefits of Free Play and Exploring

Soberful: Parenting as Prevention

The Prairie Homestead: Why Kids Need More Old-Fashioned Independence

Skenazy: "Parents Should Let Kids Live Like the Characters on Stranger 'Things'"

Let Grow on WMAL Radio Washington DC: "Kids Need a Little Bit of Risk"

New Book, "The Art of Talking with Children" says, "The Let Grow Project Sounded So Simple -- Was There a Catch?"

Scary Mommy Asks Let Grow: Should We Track Our Kids?

Psychologists Off the Clock Podcast: Avoid the Pressure to be a Perfect Parent

Deseret News: How to Avoid a "Catastrophic Failure" of Our Democracy

LA Times: Do Kids Need Adult Exercise & Wellness Regimens, Like Mini Pelotons? Let Grow Says No

Experts Share if "Free-Range Parenting" Is Safe: Yahoo LifeNews UK

Could this legislation bring back an old-fashioned childhood?

When are Kids "Old Enough" to Run Errands? Fox News Interviews Let Grow

Arizona Daily Star: Lessons from Japan's Free-Range Parenting

The Today Show Asks Skenazy: "Can Kids Run Errands on Their Own?"

NYTimes: The Downside of Being Extra Cautious

Law Week Colorado: New Law Narrows Definition of Neglect, Helps Marginalized Families

Las Vegas Review Journal: Nevada Should Pass the Let Grow Law Already!

Experts are Torn About Netflix' New Japanese Kids Show

Why Kids are Suffering: They Need Autonomy, Competence & Relatedness

"Oprah, You Had Let Grow Childhood, Right?" Johann Hari on Why Kids Need Independence

Helicopter Parents Must Stop Treating Kids Like Luxury Tourists

Denver Gazette: Colo Legislature Unanimously OKs Reasonable Independence for Children

Bill to foster independence among Colorado youth unanimously passes state House: Colorado Newsline

Judy Blume and Margaret Atwood Discuss Their "Free-Range Childhoods"

The Human School Podcast Discusses Let Grow Blog Post: "Play Is Not a Stupid Waste of Time"

Greeley Tribune (Colorado) Oped By Bi-Partisan Co-Sponsors of Let Grow Bill: "Making Sure It's Legal for Kids to Play Outside"

Colorado lawmakers want to spell it out: It’s perfectly legal for kids to play outside or walk to school alone: Colorado Sun

Ezra Klein Interviews Johann Hari about The Let Grow Project (and other things)

Reasonable Childhood Independence Bill Passes Colorado House

DENVER POST: It’s not child neglect if a kid plays outside or walks home from school, proposed law says

5 Things I Learned from Lenore Skenazy: Dad Saves America

Mom Jailed for Letting 14-Year-Old Babysit: Reason Magazine

The Worst Cases Helicopter Parenting Ever -- And Let Grow's Cure

Moms.com: Daydreaming Good for Kids, says Let Grow

Let Grow High School Essay Contest Winner Appears on NJ Star Ledger Opinions Page

CNN: Little Tikes Makes a Peloton for Kids, But Child Development Experts Cry Foul

"Kids Are Built to Learn -- They Just Need Some Free Time to Discover Interests"

Bored Panda: The Unintended Consequences of Childhood Surveillance

Rob Montz: Saving Childhood with Lenore Skenazy

Let Kids Be Kids Before It's Too Late: Idaho Freedom Foundation

How Project-Based Learning (And Let Grow) Nurture Student Autonomy

Mental Health Radio Network: Is Resilience Learned or Genetic?

Zach Rhoads "Sundays with Stories" Podcast: Childhood Independence and Resilience

Highlights Magazine Podcast: Discussing the Value of Free Time, with Let Grow

"America's Worst Mom" on Epoch Times TV: "You're making them fragile by telling them they're fragile"

ABC AUSTRALIA: When COVID cancels the school holidays, is more independence the answer to keeping kids happy?

The Sun: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Practice "Free-Range Parenting"

The Week Presents: Best Parenting Advice, Including "Give Your Kids an '80s-Style Childhood"

The British Dental Journal (Yes! You read that right. Let Grow is cited here!)

The Guardian: Is Free-Range Parenting the Key to Healthier, Happier Kids?

Epoch TV: The Perils of Overparenting

"What Fresh Hell" Podcast Hosts Decide to Change their Parenting Style -- During the Podcast!

Illinois NPR: How to Raise Safe and Independent Kids

Tampa Bay Times: New Free-Range Kids Book Adds Chapters on Anxiety and a Call to Educators

Yahoo News: Helicopter Parenting May Be Destroying American Entrepreneurship, by Lenore Skenazy and Clay Routledge

Drew Perkins' TeachThought Podcast: How Can Teachers Make Students More Independent?

Treehugger: Kids Now Protected by 'Reasonable Independence' Laws in 3 States

This Summer, Let Kids PLAY: Naomi Schaefer Riley in the Deseret News

WOAI-AM: We're Happy That Texas is the Third State to Go Free-Range

Why Gen Z Could be Changed for the BETTER by Covid: NY Post

Texas Becomes Third State to Pass "Free-Range Kids" Law: Reason

"It Started Here!" New York Sun on the origins of the Free-Range Kids Movement and Laws

New Peaks of Fame! Lenore is the Answer to a 1000-Point Trivia Question on "Master Minds"

To Fight Growing Childhood Passivity & Anxiety, Try Independence: Bored Panda Quotes Let Grow

In Oklahoma, a Bi-Partisan Bid to Save Childhood

Proposed Oklahoma Law Would Guarantee Parents the Right to Give Their Kids Some Independence

CNN: Skenazy Asks Parents to Consider What their Kids Are Learning NOT for School

National Affairs Quotes Redleaf, Skenazy, Gray, Haidt, Everyone, in "Reforming Child Neglect Laws"

Tips for Fighting Boredom -- and Misinformation -- from Let Grow

Las Vegas Review Journal: Don't Criminalize Children's Independence

TreeHugger Recommends Let Grow

17-Year-Old Podcaster Juliette Sellgren Interviews Lenore Skenazy about Childhood Freedom

Reason Magazine: Boys, 8 and 10, Playing Outside Unsupervised Get Escorted Home by Firefighters

International Journal of Play Publishes Study of Age Mixing, Social-Emotional Growth at Let Grow Play Club

Fox5DC's Angie Goff & Marina Marraco Discuss Let Grow's "Adulting Chart"

Staten Island Borough Pres. James Oddo Tells Families: Do The Let Grow Project!

Don't Infantilize Teens, Says Let Grow

A Gay, Black Democrat Mom of One, and a Straight, White, Republican Grandma of 20 Co-Sponsor Nevada Childhood Independence Bill

Idaho Introduces Free-Range Parenting Bill

Newsweek: Childhood Independence is on the Verge of Extinction, "Reasonable Independence" Laws Could Save It

Free Speech Champions: Socrates, Solzhenitsyn, Martin Luther King -- and Let Grow's Irshad Manji

Greg Lukianoff, Co-Author of "The Coddling of the American Mind," Catches Up with Let Grow

How to Nurture Children's Creativity: Bored Panda Interviews Let Grow

The Ability to Free-Range Parent is Diminishing During Covid says Salon

The Femsplainers Podcast Welcomes Lenore Skenazy to Discuss How Boredom Has Helped Kids Grow and Gain Independence During the Pandemic

“How the Pandemic Has Transformed Childhood.” Despite being holed up and doing classwork via Zoom, boredom has helped kids grow and gain independence through the pandemic, according to guest Lenore Skenazy, founder of the Let Grow Foundation. Meghan Cox Gurdon...

Dax Shepherd Interviews Lenore Skenazy About Let Grow and Childhood Independence, Plus Shares What He Was Up To As a Kid

Lenore discusses the generational differences in growing up, how unrealistic the current standards are for being a good parent, and the importance of play. Dax asks Lenore to dispel the myth of common childhood dangers and Lenore explains the negative...

The Washington Post Highlights Kids' Pandemic Summer Accomplishments, Including Let Grow's Independence Challenge Winners

2020 was a difficult summer, but many kids found it was really their time to shine. Lenore Skenazy is quoted in this piece that features the incredible accomplishments of kids who were allowed to spend this summer learning and growing...

Bored Panda Asks Let Grow's Lenore Skenazy About Importance of Traditions: "They Nourish Family"

This charming post features a father and daughter who’ve taken a photo together in the same spot every single year for 40 years. Lenore contributes her thoughts about the reasons we value family traditions so highly.

"Renegade History" Podcaster Thaddeus Russell Grills Lenore Skenazy On Her Philosophy and How Parents Became So Fearful

Lenore and Thaddeus examine why the Gen-X generation became the Helicopter Parent generation and whether Thaddeus himself was neglected or liberated as a child.

The New York Times: Lenore Skenazy, Peter Gray Explain How Risky Play Encourages Resilience

Lacking the usual scheduled activities and adult supervision, children are finding the space during the COVID-19 pandemic to play freely. Lenore and Gray share their recent survey findings that show parents have been allowing kids to grow and play more...

New York Daily News: Lenore Skenazy and Diane Redleaf Make the Case for Narrowing the Definition of "Neglect" to Protect Families

Over the past 40 years, more and more people have been calling the child abuse hotlines not because there’s so much child abuse going on, but because they’ve been conditioned to report almost anything—a kid with a scrape, a kid...

Homeschooling Global Summit Features Peter Gray, Lenore Skenazy Discussing How Kids Benefit From Unstructured Play

The 2020 Homeschooling Global Summit included Peter as a keynote speaker, while Lenore was interviewed on the topic of “How Do Kids Learn While They Play?”

Wilton Youth Council interviews Lenore Skenazy On Why This May Be Your Child's Most Memorable (and Fun) Summer Ever

This summer your kids may forget some of their academics. But what they learn they’ll remember forever. Let Grow’s Lenore Skenazy talks about what kids gain when they lose the summer they expected and gain some amazing independence.

Lenore Skenazy on CBC News: "A '70s-Style Summer Might Be Just What Time-Poor Kids Need"

Lenore shares her thoughts on why a slower, less-scheduled summer (like the kind many of today’s parents and grandparents experienced growing up) might be just what our overly-busy, stressed-out kids need.

Children's Screentime Network Interviews Camp Director Audrey Monke and Lenore Skenazy About Alternatives to Traditional Camp During a COVID Summer

In this webinar, Audrey Monke and Lenore Skenazy take worries about the summer of COVID-19 and transform them into inspiration for more harmony at home. Audrey and Lenore bring sanity and clarity to this uncertain summer, and offer easy, practical...

Skenazy, Gray Join Family Online Safety Institute Webinar on COVID-19 and the Return of the Free Range Kid

The global pandemic has upended the rhythm of life for most families. Much attention is being given to the psychological toll this is taking on adults and children alike, but there is another lesson emerging in this time of lockdown....

Web MD Quotes Peter Gray and Lenore Skenazy About Lockdown's Surprising Benefits For Overscheduled Kids and Parents

For children whose families are financially stable, food secure, and able to provide the tech resources needed for distance learning at home, the quarantine seems to be providing a reset that Lenore Skenazy has long argued children in the U.S....

Lenore Skenazy Pens Mother's Day 2020 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed: Kids This Year Are More Independent and Competent Than Last Year

This Mother’s Day, says Lenore, children are stepping up. With their usual overscheduled lives on pause, kids are learning to be more resilient and self-sufficient. This is very good news for moms in an otherwise difficult year.

Big Think Features Let Grow's "Independence Challenge" Essay Winners, Showcasing Their Resilience and Growth

NBC News Quotes Lenore Skenazy Comparing COVID-19's Actual Dangers to the Exaggerated Dangers Parents Hear About Daily

Let Grow's Skenazy Authors Boston Herald Op-Ed on Kids Coming Into Their Own During Lockdown

Illinois Public Radio Interviews Lenore Skenazy About Post-Traumatic Growth, the Idea That Hard Times Often Lead to Good Things

Lenore Skenazy in Washington Post Op-Ed: Lockdown is a Great Time to Embrace Free-Range Parenting

Independent Women's Forum Interviews Lenore Skenazy About Freedom for Kids During COVID-19

Skenazy, Gray in New York Post: Coronavirus is Providing the Course Correction Kids Desperately Needed

"Free the People" Host Matt Kibbe Interviews Lenore Skenazy About Why Today's Parents Live In Fear

Think for Yourself Essay Contest Winner Published in New York Daily News: "An Early Lesson in Fighting Political Polarization"

Littleton Independent (Colorado): "Boring Playgrounds Stunt Kids," Says Let Grow's Skenazy

Let Grow's "Think for Yourself" Scholarship Winning Essay Published in New York Post

EdWeek Front Page Features Let Grow Contest Winner's Essay: "A Student's Plea: Don't Shield Me From Problematic Conversations"

New York Times Says Peter Gray & Let Grow Are Antidotes to Stultifying Childhood

TreeHugger Interviews Let Grow about Facial Recognition Software at Camps

Skenazy in The Telegraph: Robbing Our Kids of Independence

Romper: 10 Free-Range Ways to Start Giving Your Kids Independence

Parentology Defines "Free-Range Parenting"

HuffPo Asks Let Grow How to Get Kids Outside

Minneapolis Star Tribune Interviews Let Grow's Diane Redleaf

Tree Hugger Loves Let Grow's New T-Shirts

Superintendent: Let Grow Helps Kids Increase Life Skills, Bravery

Newburyport, MA, Launches Let Grow Program, Encouraging Independence & Responsibility

Fathers on Letting Grow, on Fatherly Blog

School Superintendents' Association Magazine Features Let Grow

School's "Let Grow Play Club" A Success

Children Need Free Play to Thrive: Peter Gray

Let Grow Looks at Ridiculous Field Trip Rules

Stuff You Should Know: How to Free-Range / Let Grow!

The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval!

National Review: Enough with "Snowplow" Parenting, Let's Raise Let Grow Kids

Epsilon Theory: Our Economic Future Requires Raising Free-Range / Let Grow Kids

Washington Post: One Antidote to Suicidal Depression Among Kids is Let Grow

A Lovely Letter to the Editor in an Arkansas Paper

"Why We Support Free-Range Parenting" -- HuffPo

South Carolina Considers Free-Range Parenting Law

Let Grow's Skenazy and Haidt Interviewed by Malcolm Gladwell

Let Grow in "Lunacy Now!"

Two Minutes Into SNL Cold Open Alec Baldwin Blurts Out "Free-Range Kids"

WGN's "Opening Bell" Interviews Lenore about "Over-Parenting"

TreeHugger Looks to Let Grow and Asks: How Do Kids Feel about Helicopter Parenting?

Let Grow's Jonathan Haidt on the Joe Rogan Experience

"Freeing Your Children" Podcast: Reason's Zach Weissmueller Interviews Lenore

New York Times Publishes Letter from Let Grow About the Relentless Demands on Parents

South Carolina State Sen. Proposes "Free-Range Parenting" Law

PBS NewsHour Profiles Let Grow!

CBS Evening News: Being an Old-Fashioned Parent No Longer Against the Law

Utah's Free-Range Law Goes Into Effect: Scripps TV

Jon Haidt on Big Think: "Give Childhood Back to Kids So they Can Develop Independence"

TREE HUGGER: Ithaca Declares Itself First "Free-Range" Town in America

An Hour with Lenore on KCUR, Kansas Public Radio

Fox 4 Anchor Talks with "America's Worst Mom" in Kansas City

Lenore Skenazy Joins Amber Rudd and Flora Gill To Debate "Should Our Children Be Free Range?" on Times of London's Split Opinion Podcast

Former UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Flora Gill are joined by mother and designer Emma Bridgewater and ‘America’s worst mother’ Lenore Skenazy, the President of the children’s non-profit Let Grow, to discuss the different ways to raise children today.

The World Isn't as Bad as You Think: Let Grow's Lenore Skenazy Quoted in WSJ

NPR Morning Edition Feature: To Raise Confident, Independent Kids, Some Parents Are Trying To "Let Grow"

"No Excuse Not to Do the Let Grow Project" -- USA Today Article

Students Blossom with Let Grow Program: Long Island Advance

Good Morning America Interviews Let Grow about Mom Investigated for Letting 8-Year-Old Walk Dog

New York Times Viral "Motherhood in the Age of Fear" Gives Let Grow a Shout Out

New York Times Oped Page Piece by Let Grow's Lenore: Stop Spreading Stranger Danger!

Parents are Too Afraid of Their Kids Getting Hurt: Las Vegas Sun

New York Times "Most Read" Piece: Mom Arrested for Letting Son Wait in Car 5 Minutes Says "Let Grow" Is Bringing Back Sanity

Mom on Chicago TV Recommends Let Grow

Let Grow "Think For Yourself" Essay Contest Winner Interviewed on Fox

High School Students Need Viewpoint Diversity: Let Grow's Scholarship Winner Ends Up on New York Post Oped Page

How Helicopter Parents Can Step Back and Nurture Kids' Independence -- From "Great Schools" Blog

NBC Story Features Peter Gray, Lenore and Let Grow on The Benefits of Risk

NPR Touts Let Grow Project as Antidote to The Perils Of Pushing Kids Too Hard

Let Grow's "Really?" Page is Like Snopes for Parents, Says Lifehacker

Winner of Let Grow's "Think for Yourself" Essay Contest Published on USA Today's Op-ed Page!

Front Page of Washington Times: Giving Kids Some Freedom is Not Neglect

L.A. Times' Podcast with Lenore: "No Need to Track Kids like Fed Ex Packages"

Oxford Dictionary Defines "Free-Range Parenting"

Russian TV: America Law Defines Neglect too Broadly

A Chestnut from 2014: Psychologist Warns of "Dangers" When Kids Walk Outside, John Stossel Investigates

CBS Evening News: Old-Fashioned Parenting No Longer Against the Law

Dad Feels the Age of Helicopter Parenting Has Come to An End: Scripps News Service

LA FIN DES HYPER-PARENTS? ("The End of Hyper-Parents?") From La Presse, in Canada

KIRO-7 TV: What Is Let Grow Parenting?

Reality Check Podcast with Jeanne Allen: How Can Schools Create More Resilient, Less Anxious Students?

Let Grow Encourages Schools and Parents to Give Kids Reasonable Adventures

How The Mandate to "Never Take Your Eyes Off Your Kids for Even a Second!" is Anti-Feminist: Lenore Speaks to Julie Gunlock

Our Parents Protected Without Sheltering Us: Barry Lewis

How Parents Can Trust More, Worry Less, and Solve "How Much Freedom To Give Our Kids?" Conflicts

The Hill: "Freedom Used to Define America -- And Childhood"

CBS This Morning: "Parents Shouldn't Have to Second-Guess Letting Their Kids Play Outside"

Lenore on C-SPAN: "An Easy Way to Give Kids Back their Independence"

NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt on "Free-Range Parenting" Law

CBS-TV New York City: Hands-Off Parenting

Wall Street Journal: "Parents, You Can Stop Helicoptering"

WBUR On Point: Lenore Discusses the Utah Law

Los Angeles Times: "Free-range parenting laws letting kids roam could catch on"

National Push to Legalize Free-Range Parenting!

Fox and Friends: How Parents Got So Paranoid

The Washington Post: Utah's "Free-Range Parenting Bill" Is First in Nation

The New York Times: Utah Passes "Free-Range Kids Law"

The New York Times looks ahead to next states considering a bill legalizing childhood!

Life-Zette Interviews Lenore about the "Free-Range Kids" Bill in Utah

USA Today: "Finally One State Lets Kids Grow Up Without Helicopter Parents"

"Let Grow" Named One of 25 Top Parenting Blogs in U.S.

"Good Morning Washington" Discuses The Fragile Generation

Medium: To Succeed in 21st Century Kids Need to Learn "Soft Skills" Let Grow is Teaching

Lenore Skenazy and Let Grow Profiled by Independent Women's Forum

Psychology Today Blog: "Let Grow Organization Will Lead to Tougher, Happier Children"

Britain's Largest Education Magazine Visits with Let Grow

The School Anti-Anxiety Project That's Going Viral

New York Times Quotes Let Grow on Why Kids Can and Should Fly as Unaccompanied Minors

Jon Haidt on "The Age of Outrage" at the Manhattan Institute

Why Kids Can't Cope: Lenore on Texas NPR "Think" Show with Krys Boyd, KERA

KERA presents Krys Boyd interviewing Lenore for an hour on “The Fragile Generation”

The Fragile Generation

By treating our kids as remarkable fragile, we have made them so. Lenore Skenazy and Jonathan Haidt’s much-discussed Reason cover story.  

Lenore Skenazy on "Parenting Then and Now" Podcast

How come parenting has changed so much? Tune in!

Challenging Opinions Podcast: What Happens When We're Pushed to Overprotect?

Challenging Opinions Podcast: What Happens When We’re Pushed to Overprotect?

Jordan Peterson Interviews Prof. Jonathan Haidt on "The Perilous State of the University"

Jordan Peterson interviews Jonthan Haidt on “The Perilous State of the University.”

Lenore on the Paul Harris Show, Talking About Fragility and that Non-Poison "Poisoned" Cake

Why are we so quick to cry “Stranger Danger” anytime an adult interacts with a child?

Challenging Opinions Podcast: What Happens When We're Pushed to Overprotect?

Parents don’t WANT to helicopter. But often they feel they MUST. And then? Skenazy on hyper-protection.  

Are Your Kids Too Fragile? How to Make the Next Generation More Resilient.

Nick Gillespie interviews Lenore Skenazy. A video.  

If You Don't Let Children Take Risks, You Are Damaging Them

Skenazy’s cover story in Britain’s Spectator: Let Your Kids Go!  

Television’s Annual Halloween War Against the Outdoors

The blog Fatherly talks to Lenore and others about Halloween hovering.