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The Let Grow 2024 Resolution: 10 Weeks to a Super-Independent Kid!

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Read Time: 2 minutes

Most of us remember playing outside as kids, wandering around — maybe even getting ourselves some candy. Before dinner! It may seem impossible to give that joy and independence to our own kids today. After all, “Times have changed,” etc., etc., etc. BUT — there’s hope! In fact, there’s a plan:

As much as we hate resolutions when it comes to giving up things like carbs or “Too Hot to Handle,” The Let Grow Resolution is not deprivation-based. It’s the opposite — fun and uplifting for you AND your kids.

It’s also free. Beat that! We’ll just email you one simple (and attractive) Action Card a week for 10 weeks — actions that make it easy to start loosening the reins. If this were an exercise program, it would be like us recommending one jumping jack a week. Not even a crunch!

What’s more: The actions are not written in stone! (Too hard.) They’re just suggestions. They can be modified for different ages, places, neurodiversity — the pack is full of nudges, not commands. Easy!

How easy IS it?

For example, one week the Action Card may suggest you send your kid and a few others outside to play while you stay inside and drink a cup of coffee. You do not have to drink coffee! You do not have to have a certain number of kids playing together! You do not even have to send them outside if it is 20 below zero, or a dicey neighborhood — just send them someplace with some raw materials (cardboard boxes, balls, anything without a battery or chip) and let them make their own fun without your assistance. Even THAT can be transformative.

Sign up by clicking here for the Resolution Pledge and let the transformation begin!

And because it’s easier to do ANYTHING when others are doing it with you, we’d love you to send us an update, or photo, or what-have-you from time to time. Again: Not required! Just cool! You can reach us at . And you can tag us with either @LetGrowOrg or #LetGrowPledge.

Here’s to a year filled with joy, excitement, some epic fails and some great successes, for you and your whole family. And HAPPY NEW YEAR from Let Grow!

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