Have Lenore Skenazy Speak
“A GODDAMNED ROCK STAR!” – Nick Gillespie, editor in chief, Reason
Let Grow President Lenore Skenazy has given keynotes across the country and spoken everywhere from Microsoft to DreamWorks, Disney, Harvard Medical School, the Yale Child Study Center–and the Bulgarian Happiness Festival. That’s not to mention all her school talks! Audiences love her — except they complain their cheeks hurt at the end from laughing so much.
A former journalist, Lenore wrote for The New York Daily News, The New York Sun, NPR, CNBC — and Mad. (Yep — Mad Magazine!) But it was her column, “Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone,” that created a cultural tsunami that landed her on The Daily Show, Dr. Phil, The View, The Today Show, NPR, Good Morning America, Nightline, ABC World News Tonight, CBS Early Show, CNN, FoxNews, Anderson Cooper, the BBC, CTV, CBC — you get the idea. The media dubbed her “America’s Worst Mom.” She went on to write Free-Range Kids — the book that launched a movement.
By showing how much parenting has changed IN OUR OWN LIFETIME — and how it’s changing our kids — Lenore takes audiences on a rip-roaring, mind-blowing trip that’s as life-changing as it is hilarious. “Our audience literally did not want to leave.” — Katharine Carol, Director of the International Children’s Festival, Vancouver
More reviews:
“Great information and some pretty solid belly laughs! We had a great response from the attendees.” – Meaghan Muir, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School
“Lenore had the crowd eating out of her hand!” – Amy Draves, visiting speaker manager, Microsoft Headquarters, Redmond, Washington
“Usually I take notes, but I just listened and laughed.” — Audience member, 2024 Canadian Women in Medicine conference, Halifax
“One of the most talked-about lectures of the semester.” — Sandra Bishop, Assistant Director, Yale Child Study Center
“One of the most captivating speakers I have ever seen work a room.” – Jessica Elefante, MAMA (Mothers Against Media Addiction), NYC
“One of the most useful and entertaining talks we’ve had in the 12 years I’ve been here.” — Middle School Principal David Getz.
“She points out how our obsession to protect our kids from any possible risk ends up denying them the freedom they require to grow into happy, confident, mature human beings. In spite of the serious topic, her presentation at DreamWorks was by far the funniest I’ve seen in a long time. ” – Claire Morrisey, Story Artist, DreamWorks, Glendale, California
“Anyone interested in seeing our children develop greater self-confidence and resilience would do well to read her book and hear her speak.” – Olen Kalkus, Headmaster, Princeton Academy
“The hit of our 2024 Partner Summit!” — Darla Rumfo, Children’s Scholarship Fund, New York
“Lenore’s speech was nothing short of inspiring. With her signature humor and sharp insights, she left the audience laughing — and reflecting.” — Heather Moore, Head of School, Strelitz Academy
“I think because have such divergent views surrounding kids’ independence, Lenore’s humorous (and sassy) approach to this topic could not have gone over better with our particular parental body. I can’t tell you how many people stopped us after the meeting to thank us for having Lenore speak.” — East Side Middle School PTA Chairs, Manhattan
“Like Lenny Bruce on estrogen.” — Audience member, Reason weekend, Philadelphia
“Created a media frenzy.” – Anne Mossop, special events coordinator, Sydney Opera House
If you’re interested in a live or virtual speaking engagement, or to invite Lenore to be a guest on a show or podcast, please email us by clicking here, or writing to Info@LetGrow.org.