Let Grow is making a lasting impact across the entire United States. With the help of greater childhood awareness, volunteers and faithful donations, it is our goal to bring Let Grow programs to thousands of schools and neighborhoods across the country. Take a look at what’s happening in Alaska and how you can help.
Alaska Statutes §11.51.100 provide that endangering the welfare of a child includes intentionally deserting under circumstances creating a substantial risk of physical injury to the child. Second degree child endangerment (Section 11.51.110 of the same code) describes the crime of endangering the welfare of a child in the second degree as any act that would “endanger a child while caring for a child under 10.” On a positive note, a part of the statute (in its Section C) implies that a person over 12 can be a caregiver.
Neglect is defined in Alaska Statute § 47.10.014 as the lack of “other care and control necessary” to a child. This definition extremely vague (and this is mirrored in the CPS Manual 4.16). But the law also includes a much tighter definition at Alaska Statute 47.17.290 (3) which defines “child abuse or neglect” as physical injury or neglect, mental injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or maltreatment of a child under the age of 18 by a person under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened thereby; in this paragraph, “mental injury” means an injury to the emotional well-being, or intellectual or psychological capacity of a child, as evidenced by an “observable and substantial impairment in the child’s ability to function.” Alaska has some policy guidance on the DHHS web page that urges “sound judgment” as to when it is safe to leave children unsupervised.
This webpage is not a legal document, and Let Grow does not take responsibility for the content. Be mindful that some localities have rules and guidelines even when the state does not. When in doubt, consult your local authorities to confirm the laws where you live. What’s more, laws change, as do judicial interpretations of them, and this webpage may not be updated immediately.
Let Grow’s legislative resources include model laws, sample testimony, posters, and stories, to make a case in your state. Let us know if you are interested in getting involved.
Right now, most states’ neglect laws are incredibly open-ended. They say things like, “Parent must provide proper supervision.” We agree! But people have different ideas of what that entails. Select a state below to learn more about their laws, policies and how Let Grow is helping.