By Peter Gray
Our children spend their days being passively instructed, and made to sit still and take tests-often against their will. We call this imprisonment schooling, yet wonder why kids become bored and misbehave. Even outside of school children today seldom play and explore without adult supervision, and are afforded few opportunities to control their own lives. The result: anxious, unfocused children who see schooling-and life-as a series of hoops to struggle through. In Free to Learn, developmental psychologist Peter Gray argues that our children, if free to pursue their own interests through play, will not only learn all they need to know, but will do so with energy and passion.
Groundbreaking books by Let Grow’s thought leaders and others are changing the way America thinks about, educates and raises its kids. They all make the case that today’s kids are safer, smarter and stronger than the culture gives them credit for — and that more independence is crucial, not crazy.