A Christmas Morning Surprise for a Boy from His Distracted Dad
This Christmas morning memory popped up on our Facebook group, “Raising Independent Kids.” (Feel free to join!)
It comes to us from Rebecca Gomez, a Nebraska mom of three who divides her time between hanging out with her family and writing children’s books, including What About Moose, Hensel and Gretel: Ninja Chick, and last year’s Two Tough Trucks Get Lost. Here’s here website: www.rebeccajgomez.com. Her son in the story below, David, is now 20!
In one of our old family Christmas videos, you can hear and see my then two-year-old son saying, “Daddy, help!” while trying to fit the little missile back into Buzz Lightyear’s missile launcher.
Daddy and I were distracted by other things at the time, having two other children besides him and it being Christmas morning and all.
But a minute later in the video, you can hear my son proudly saying, “Daddy, I did it!”
I used to feel a little guilty every time I watched that video, hearing his sweet little voice asking for help while we ignored him. LOL. But it’s really a proud moment, both for us as his parents and for him at having done it himself. I’m a big believer in giving kids more opportunities to do just that. — R.G.

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