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Bored and Need Help Getting Through Coronavirus? Ask the Gen X Kids

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What everyone is calling social distancing, I call my formative years. I grew up on movies where kids were out exploring, discovering pirate treasure or dead bodies, and having a hell of a time without any parental supervision. By choice and by circumstances, I emulated the lifestyle celebrated in those Gen X movies.

When I was a kid, it meant taking care of my needs when both parents were working, whether that was making a meal or doing laundry. When I got into my teen and young adult years, the pop culture of my time made it very trendy to live in a constant melancholy haze, where I consumed movies like Reality Bites and The Breakfast Club, and the music of Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins to consistently keep that vibe going. And yes, the world is a vampire.

Gen X cred has never been more useful than right now, as our health emergency is forcing cities and governments to ask people to stay away from other people, places, and large gatherings. It became extremely evident after just a few short days into the crisis that many were struggling.

So Gen Xers took to Twitter to remind everyone who came after us latchkey kids that we know a little something about staying away from social situations.

When you’re ready to take on quarantine head on …

When you fall back on old-school skills …

When you’re confident in your Gen X generation …

When you reminisce on those great reruns …

When you just figure it out …

When you remember comic books and the outdoors …

When isolation is the least of your worries …

When dangerous things were just part of childhood …

When you have plenty of entertainment options …

When, as a Gen X kid, you’re ready to do your part …

When mixtapes and public television solved all problems …

When your history with corded technology has prepared you for anything …

So, in other words …


Main image via The Breakfast Club, 1985.

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