The More Kids Walk, The Better
Is there a path to success kids can take?
Yes — if they put on their sneakers. The more kids walk around, the more upward mobility they enjoy as adults. That’s the conclusion of this study on “The Socioecological Psychology of Upward Social Mobility” in American Psychologist.
The researchers pored over data on 10 million city-dwellers (not suburbanites or rural kids) born 1980-1982. They considered other factors influencing life trajectories, including the quality of the local schools, race, and income inequality. Above and beyond those variables, “walkability accounted for 11 percent of the additional variance in economic mobility,” writes Richard Florida, author of The Rise of the Creative Class.
In particular, the researchers noted that kids born into the lowest fifth of the income scale had the greatest chance of getting out of poverty in adulthood the more they walked as kids.
Holy hamstrings! What is going on? It could be a lot of things.
Car = Expensive.
One factor is purely economic: If a neighborhood is walkable, the family might not need to own a car, which is a huge savings. No insurance. No parking fees. No need to keep paying when that stupid brake light goes on again just days after it was “fixed.”
Connecting and community.
Beyond this, there are all the things that happen when you’re walking around your neighborhood as a kid, like meeting people and having some adventures. (More than you’d have in a booster seat, anyway.) The researchers found that walking around contributes to a sense of community and belonging – powerful positive forces we all long for.
Health — Both Kinds.
Then, too, it’s obviously healthy. That’s why so many people are obsessed with 10,000 steps a day. (9,999? Here comes the Grim Reaper. 10,000? Donuts for everyone!)
When you walk, you also have time to let your mind wander, which is good for creativity and problem-solving. For what it’s worth, I can remember teaching myself to whistle on my walks to school, and crunching leaves, and freezing, and then freezing some more.
Oh — and freezing. (Winters, Midwest.)
In Selves We Trust.
However, one factor that hasn’t been studied is the kids’ sense of self-confidence and freedom. Kids allowed to walk know their parents trust them – already a significant boost. But in turn, they learn to trust themselves — their wits, legs, and ability to deal with life. That’s rocket fuel for a positive sense of self.
As for freedom – experiencing freedom widens all sorts of boundaries, including a sense of how much you can aim for and do.
Of course, walking around isn’t valuable only because it boosts adult earning power! But what a bonus — especially for anyone growing up poor. The study authors note: “The opportunity for children from poorer households to pull themselves up the economic ladder in adulthood is a hallmark of a just society.”
Keep It Legal!
For parents afraid that letting their kids walk outside could result in an unpleasant encounter with the authorities, consider two things:
- 1 – This is rare. We report when it occurs to highlight the real-world impact of overestimating danger and underestimating kids. After all, that’s the culture we’re trying to change. But it’s not happening all the time.
- 2 – To make such encounters rarer still, consider trying to get a Reasonable Childhood Independence law passed in your state. Utah, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia, Illinois, and Montana have already done so. Here’s our Legislative Toolkit, which can help!
In Utah, after the law passed in 2018, Let Grow co-founder Dr. Peter Gray asked parents if they felt any different. “The law is a huge relief,” one mom told him. “There are a lot of parks and stores nearby that my kids can enjoy without fear of answering to police officers.”
That’s why we hope that other states will pass similar laws this year. Here is our form if you’d like to get involved or hear more.
When kids can walk alone, they can find their way to parks, playgrounds, hijinks, health, joy, and — apparently — the middle class.
Out you go, kids! Come back with a job and a mortgage!
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