Missouri Is Voting on Independence for Children Legislation in 2024

Missouri Is Voting on Independence for Children Legislation in 2024

Let Grow is making a lasting impact across the entire United States. With the help of greater childhood awareness, volunteers and faithful donations, it is our goal to bring Let Grow programs to thousands of schools and neighborhoods across the country. Take a look at what’s happening in Missouri and how you can help.

Missouri Is Voting on Independence for Children Legislation in 2024

State Laws And Policies

Criminal Law:

Missouri Revised Statutes. § 568 is a typical criminal statute that makes it a crime to put children (under 18) in serious risk of harm and makes it criminal endangerment to fail to provide children (under 17) with necessary care. Supervision is not listed as necessary care specifically, however. Crimes involving children left in vehicles without someone over 14 are limited to crimes in which the unaccompanied child causes an accident. Mo. Rev. Stat. 577.300.

Juvenile Court | Child Protective Services | Neglect Law:

Neglect is defined under Missouri’s Public Heath and Welfare Code, Title XII, RSMo. Section 210.110(12) as the “failure to provide, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child, the proper or necessary support, education as required by law, nutrition or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the child’s well-being. Victims of neglect shall also include any victims of sex trafficking or severe forms of trafficking as those terms are defined in 22 U.S.C. 78 Section 7102(9)-(10).” While lack of supervision is not spelled out as a neglect ground per se, a Missouri policy manual refers to neglect as occurring when a person “fails to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that circumstances exist or a result will follow, and such failure constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care which a reasonable person would exercise in the situation.” Child Welfare Manual § 7-1 (L12). A brochure provides that Missouri will take hotline calls as to children under 8 left alone.

Missouri Is Voting on Independence for Children Legislation in 2024

Rep. Josh Hurlburt introduced and led the effort to pass  H.B. 1904.  The House Committee heard testimony in support of the bill on January 30, 2024, and voted it out of committee unanimously.   The legislation, if passed,  will modify Missouri’s criminal code and redefine abuse and neglect to exclude children’s independent activities that are appropriate for the child’s age, maturity and physical condition. It is part of a package of bills that have consensus support. 


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Right now, most states’ neglect laws are incredibly open-ended. They say things like, “Parent must provide proper supervision.” We agree! But people have different ideas of what that entails. Select a state below to learn more about their laws, policies and how Let Grow is helping.