Signing My Kid Into and Out of School is Like Getting a Visa to North Korea
This comment was in response to yesterday’s post about making kids anxious about unlikely dangers. It will resonate with anyone who ever had to sign in to their kid’s school as if, A) The school didn’t already know you and B) Somehow following this procedure was extremely necessary for our children’s actual safety. Why not carve a little statue of a security guard and burn incense in front of it? That could work, too! Anyway, commenter JennaK wrote:
I’m just annoyed and venting. Having to be buzzed in at my kids’ schools makes me want to volunteer…NEVER…and so I don’t. But even picking them up for an appointment is a pain in the butt and them getting back into the school after the appointment—they have to state who they are and their student i.d. number and a home phone number in order to be buzzed in. Nevermind that the secretary knows them and that they belong at school (and probably was the one who checked them out for the appointment). Because criminals go around all the time dressing up in elaborate makeup and costumes to look like 6th grade students trying to get back in school after that orthodontist appointment all the time!
We’d love to hear about the sign-in and out procedures at your child’s school. And if they are onerous, is there a way to beat them back? Any success stories would be most appreciated! – L
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