A 7-Year-Old Girl Gets Lost on Her Way to School in the Big City, But She Knows What to Do!
From the land of uber-independent kids comes this email (edited to correct the grammar mistakes): Dear Let Grow: We are reading your blog here in Germany...with mild amusement. Here's what...
How Does it Feel to Raise Kids in Utah with its Free-Range Parenting Law?
What does it feel like to be a parent in Utah, the first (and so far only) state to pass the Free-Range Parenting law that says taking your eyes off...
Girl, 9, Bitten by Shark Goes Back into the Water at Same Florida Beach!
You don't get more Let Grow than Maggie Crum, bitten by a shark in knee-deep water on her first vacation to New Smyrna Beach, FL, which The Today Show (but...
Mom Charged with Falsely Accusing Man of Trying to Kidnap Her 5-Year-Old at Old Navy
We can't know what was going through this mom's mind, but Santana Adams of Milton, West Virginia, has been charged with falsely accusing a man of trying to kidnap her...
Sesame Street DID Remake the “Stick of Butter” Video!
Thanks to a commenter noting on yesterday's post that Sesame Street has indeed re-made its classic "Loaf of bread, container of milk, stick of butter" story, we dug it up....
Government Pamphlet Says Children Under 12 Should Not Cross the Street
A reader named Trish sent us this leaflet from Ireland. It begins: Research shows that children under 12 should not cross roads on their own. They cannot decide how far...
Jonathan Haidt Lets His 9-Year-Old Daughter Walk to School Alone for the First Time
Prof. Jonathan Haidt, co-author of "The Coddling of the American Mind" and one of the three people who joined me in founding Let Grow, posted that lovely Tweet last Wednesday....
Great piece in the Westport Moms blog looking at just how busy we're making our kids (as well as those of us getting them to and from their activities): Our Children’s...
Mom Lets Her Kids Walk to the Bakery Down the Block. Child Protective Services Tells Her, “Never Again Till They Are 12.”
Katharina Nuss, a mom of three in Winnipeg, Canada, had a recent run-in with the authorities which radicalized her -- if it's radical to work toward a day when parents...
What a cheerful piece from Tim Bedley, a 5th grade teacher at the Earl Warren Elementary School in Lake Elsinore, California. He and his brother Scott are the founders of...
Yes, yes, we know that some kids are naturally great at school. No need to really PREVENT them from getting great grades, of course. But no need to really push...