7 DIY Snow Experiments Kids Can Do on Their Own
Whether snow is one of those things you can take or leave, you can still learn a lot from it, especially if you try these DIY snow experiments. We put together some of our favorite snow projects, including a recipe for making the perfect fake snow. These are great science experiments for the classroom, and kids can do all of them on their own.
By the way, did you see our story about the town that finally stopped making throwing snowballs a criminal activity? Check it out here.
1. Make your own snow.
We searched high and low for the best fake DIY snow recipe—and we found it! Start with 1 cup of baking soda. Then add a cup of cornstarch. Next add water, starting with a tablespoon at a time until you get it to the consistency you want. Experiment as you go to make snow more fluffy, crunchy, or smooth. Check out our video, above, for additional details on how to make it.
2. Make your own DIY snow slime.
Source: Natural Beach Living
After you’ve conquered making your own snow, you might as well tackle making snow slime next. Our favorite recipe is this one from Natural Beach Living. It might not exactly feel like snow, but it sure does look like it, especially on one of those puffy, powdery snow days!
3. Create your own snowstorm.
Source: Mrs. Richardson’s Class
Anything that fizzes (thanks to an Alka-Seltzer tablet, in this case) is definitely a science experiment worth trying. Learn how to do this experiment, courtesy of Mrs. Richardson’s Class. She even has a printable you can download for free.
4. Make your own snow ice cream.
Source: Little Bins for Little Hands
You only need three ingredients for this recipe, and yes, snow is one of them. (If you don’t have snow, try using shaved ice instead.) We love this recipe and idea from Little Bins for Little Hands. They have so many great snow experiments and projects to try. Check out their article with DIY snow ideas, like making a snow volcano, trying an ice fishing experiment, and making crystal snowflakes.
5. Learn how much water there is in snow.
Source: STEAM Powered Family
This experiment is from STEAM Powered Family. They live in Canada, so they get a lot of snow each year. They found a way to use snow in a quick experiment. By filling jars with three things—snow, ice, and water—they made predictions about how much water was in snow and how much liquid they’d get from ice and snow. This is an experiment you can easily replicate on your own, too. Get more information on their website.
6. Experiment with frozen bubble science.
Source: Growing a Jeweled Rose
A lot of people want to head inside when it’s cold out, but this is a great time to test out some experiments. This one isn’t exactly about snow, but it’ll help you learn about how ice crystals form, thanks to this cool idea from Growing a Jeweled Rose. Learn more about it here.
7. DIY snow globe.
Source: Little Bins for Little Hands
Here’s one more snow-related project, and you don’t have to get your hands cold at all. You can create your own DIY snow globe. This is one more project from Little Bins for Little Hands, and we love it. Get all the tips for making it right here.
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