Have you ever noticed that pretty much every good children’s book or movie begins with getting the parents out of the picture? Disney often kills them off, as in “Bambi” or “Frozen.” Or sometimes the child just doesn’t do do what she’s told, like in “Moana.” “The Boxcar Children,” “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” The Narnia Chronicles and so many more chronicle the adventures that kids have on their own, not a cell phone, tracker, or nanny in sight. Some strangers are dangers, some are friends.
Why is this no-parent trope so common? Because it’s not that fascinating to follow an 8-old-year as mom or dad wakes them up, makes breakfast and drives them to school, handing them their backpack as they wave goodbye.
There are a million books about kids doing things on their own. Here’s our “stub” of a list. Please share your own faves in the comments!
Little Women