7 Leaf Project Ideas and Experiments to Try This Fall
It's peak leaf season right now, so it's the perfect time for kids to head outside and gather the prettiest and most colorful leaves they can find. But then what?...
Teachers Everywhere Have a Message for Parents: Stop Doing Your Kid’s Homework
This teacher and dad explains why it's such a bad idea for parents to do their kid's homework. Learn why he says it can have a negative impact long-term.
Why Sharing an Office with Your Kids is Awesome and Awful at the Same Time
A while back, I had a coworker who constantly clipped his fingernails in the cubicle next to mine. I don’t work in one of those super trendy, everyone-gather-in-the-open-concept-kitchen-at-2pm-for-kombucha-and-a-presentation-about-essential-oils companies, so...
I’m Failing Forward As a Parent and Teacher, and I’m Okay with That
I was a straight-A student. I was the girl who always did my homework, always broke the curve, always went above and beyond. As my fellow overachievers can attest, you...
5 Edible Science Experiments for Great Hands-On Learning
Some days you don't have to decide between doing a science experiment and making a snack—you can do both at the same time! My kids are endlessly fascinated with the...