Get Your Thanksgiving Jokes — And Activities! And Cards! — Right Here
Turkey, tofu, tacos — we don’t care HOW you celebrate Thanksgiving, we just want you to have a good time!
To that end, here’s our printable Give Thanks Kit. It’s got something for everyone — little kids can color, older kids can interview grandma about pre-TikTok Thanksgivings, and dad can crack the jokes, including our favorite:
“My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes…but I said I couldn’t go cold turkey!”
So here’s what you get:
- All About My Thanksgiving sheet. A fill-in-the-blank sheet with questions for kids about what makes YOUR Thanksgiving so cool. Re-read it when they’re in college and you will need Kleenex.
- All About ________’s Thanksgiving sheet. This fill-in-the-blank sheet helps your child interview an adult about the holiday in years past, and family traditions. It’s also an easy way for kids to connect with a relative or family friend they don’t know well — yet.
- Free Thanksgiving Jokes. This is the real reason you’re downloading, right? Our jokes are awful — and wonderful — as marshmallows as a side dish.
- Giving Thanks sheet. Gotta do gratitude!
- Give Thanks poster and coloring sheet. Who needs an iPad? This can keep kids busy for…uh…minutes!
- Why I’m Thankful for You cards. Get kids to fill them out and they will have fans forever.
- My Thanksgiving Let Grow Project. Suspiciously similar to the sheet you’ll find in our Let Grow Independence Kit, but hey — you’ve come to this site because you believe in independence, right? So this part encourages kids to pick something they’ve never done before and complete it at Thanksgiving. After all, they’ve got a four-day break to get started!
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