Stop Turning Every Parenting Moment Into a Pop Quiz
Parents Magazine's "5 Ways to Support Your Child's Preschool Curriculum" is not just annoying; it is WRONG. So, is the whole idea it’s pushing: Kids are dumb as dumplings and...
Here’s the wise note from a mom who remains anonymous – and a little nervous. This, she notes, is the human condition. It’s a condition that cannot be changed, even...
My theory: One reason parents/teachers/adults are spending so much time hovering over kids is that they are spending so much time hovering over kids. What I mean is: It’s a...
Child, 5, Cooks for Whole Family (And Becomes World Famous)
Just how capable are kids? Super capable. Astoundingly capable. Unbelievably capable – when they're allowed (or required) to rise to the occasion. So, from time to time, it makes sense...
3 Pieces of Advice for the Mom of a Scared 4th Grader
From time to time, we get asked for advice on when to let go/let grow. Often, the query involves a difference of opinion between husband and wife. But the issue...
To Fight Anxiety, A School Unbuttons Recess and Boosts Independence
About a month ago, I visited the Strelitz Academy in Virginia Beach. Wow! Everyone in the elementary school is doing The Let Grow Experience, so there were paper trees in...
It’s not the end of the year without an end-of-the-year reckoning, is it? Here is our list of the 10 worst Let Grow stories of 2024, and reasons for hope....
I live in New York City. It’s green enough for me. But when I saw the work of Sharon Danks, CEO/founder of Green Schoolyards America, it became obvious that most...
Brittany Patterson had to take one of her four children to a medical appointment, and her youngest son, 10-year-old Soren, was going to come with them. This was a few...
How to Fight the Obsessive Fear of Unlikely Dangers
Inside Out 2 gave kids a way to picture anxiety. For parents, all you need is this classic Modern Love column, “A Marriage Stressed by Obsessions and Compulsions.” In it,...
You can’t find a better explanation of the rise of helicopter parenting and how, when, and why that morphed into “intensive parenting” than this New York Times podcast from about...