How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Future Regrets: Winter Edition
Readers: At Let Grow, we are human. Sometimes, we look at the forces arrayed against kids being kids and have to sigh. And then we get a letter like this!...
Free Father’s Day Card, Personalizable Dad Fact Sheet, and DAD JOKES!
Dad's special day will be upon him sooner than male pattern baldness. And that's soon! In our Celebrate Dad Kit, you'll find a printable card and a cute quiz for...
I Grew up Free-Range but Turned Into a Helicopter Mom
A mom who grew up Free-Range, playing outside from age 5, found herself a helicopter mom to her daughter, now 11. But then she took a leap of faith --...
5 Summer Activities to Boost Your Kids’ Independence (Plus 2 Tips for YOU!)
Want your kids to become more independent this summer? Sometimes, you just need to remind them of things they can do outside: build a fort, make an obstacle course... "Play...
Child Development Milestones: Can Your Kid Do These Things Yet?
A child development list of things the typical 6-year-old could do in the 1970s has become iconic -- and eye-popping! -- because kids do so much less on their own...
Independence Therapy Works. Just Ask My Patient, A Girl, 11, With Autism
I was treating a girl with Autism who would always say, "That's too hard," or, "My mom will do it for me." But everything changed -- dramatically -- when I...
“Kids Have the Right to Some Independence” Missouri Legislator Josh Hurlbert Testifies
Rep. Josh Hurlbert, a Republican, testified for Let Grow's "Reasonable Childhood Independence" law in Missouri, as did former State Sen. Jeff Smith, a Democrat. It passed the house 154-0!
Free Mother’s Day Kit Includes Card, Kid-Coupons, And Surprising Fill-in-the-Blanks about Mom
A certain holiday is coming up -- and we've got you covered. (Phew!) Our Mother's Day Kit comes with a lovely card to print out, and all the other items...
Why is Oprah talking about “The Anxious Generation”?
"Phones are experience blockers," says Let Grow co-founder, Jon Haidt. A lot of people are listening to him, including Oprah. On a recent Oprah Daily interview, he shared compelling evidence...